Sunday, September 10, 2006

An Appeal For Help - Gov. JC Rahman Nara

When Guimaras became a province in 1992, it was called “The Island to Watch” because of so much promises that its resources bring. Aside from mango, its signature crop, it has long stretches of white-sand beaches, remarkable dive spots and rich fishing grounds. These resources brought the best out of Guimaras, and took it out of the list of 20 poorest provinces in the Philippines.

However, fate turned cruel when disaster struck. On 11 August 2006, the tanker MT Solar 1 chartered by Petron Corp. to deliver at least two million liters of bunker fuel to Zamboanga, sank off our southern coast while battling rough waters. Several hours later, our long stretches of white-sand beaches, remarkable dive spots and rich fishing grounds became despicable sights with black, thick oil covering them. It's an 811 Tragedy for us!

Guimaras remained “The Island to Watch” but this time, it is a death watch. The sinking of the tanker gave a blow of death to us, hitting us where it hurts most. Yet, as we now gasp for air to survive the catastrophe, the source of the blow is just an arm-stretch away, delivering punches bit by bit until who knows when.

We are appealing for help to:

Immediately remove the tanker . All those who have so far responded to help us admit that they don’t have the capability to remove the tanker below. As long as it stays there, all efforts to clean our shores will be meaningless, and more and more coastal communities will suffer from hunger, thirst and diseases as the area covered by the slick expands. To those who have the facilities to dive and recover sunken vessels 600-700 meters underwater, you are our only hope.

Provide relief assistance. As of 20 August 2006, at least 4,000 coastal families have been directly affected by the spill. They are now experiencing food and water shortage because their livelihood have been crippled by the oil spill and groundwater have been rendered unsafe for drinking. Medicines, particularly for skin rashes and upper respiratory tract infections, are also needed by affected families. Provincial and municipal government funds are now running out.

Rebuild our lives. We need projects to assist our people restore their livelihoods. Two of our main economic drivers – tourism and fishery – have been rendered inutile. The environment that sustains us had been badly damaged. We hope that those who want to help will coordinate with Project Sunrise to ensure that efforts are coordinated and relevant, and minimize wastage of precious resources. Project Sunrise aims to improve the relief work by bringing together the resources, information, human resources and technology to be used in the relief operations in a transparent and accountable manner.

We have created this website to bring together compassionate and thoughtful citizens and organizations of the world and take common heroic responses to human sufferings caused by this disaster. We hope to receive your financial, technical expertise and talents needed in mitigating the risks brought by this disaster.

Together, we can work in restoring the environmental and economic future and solidarity of the Guimaras communities and neighbors.

JC Rahman Nava, M.D.,Governor, Province of Guimaras


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