Friday, September 01, 2006

Source: Solar I, an oil tanker chartered by Petron Corp., the largest oil refiner in the Philippines, sank in rough seas.

Amount and type: About 200,000 litres (53,000 gallons) of bunker oil in the initial spill. The tanker is sunk in deep water, making recovery unlikely and the ship an ecological time bomb with an additional 1.8 million litres (475,000 gallons) of bunker fuel on board.

Area affected: Roughly 320 km (200 miles) of coast line is covered in thick sludge. Miles of coral reef have been destroyed and 1,000 hectares (2,470 acres) of marine reserve badly damaged.

Situation summary: The Philippines' worst oil spill. The government has asked for international assistance to clean up the spill. However, long-term and possible irreversible damage to the environment and livelihoods of people is likely.

As Joseph Gajo, a local marine reserve caretaker, is quoted as saying, "My fear is all the mangrove trees will die. If the mangroves and coral die, this will affect fishermen." According to Guimaras Governor Joaquin Nava, 25,000 people are already affected or displaced.

Our ship, the Esperanza, is in the area. We will assist the Philippines Coast Guard in a visual survey and impacts assessment, as well as transport clean-up containment equipment and relief goods donated by the ABS-CBN Foundation and friends of Greenpeace.


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